Constriction to Conviction Part 2

You love experiencing a state of flow. Where the work you’re doing appears to be effortless. There’s a knowing in terms of what to do, and even how to do it. The pathway is clear and you’re free and excited to walk it. Truth is, sometimes there’s stuff in your way, and passage is just about impossible. That’s just the way it is. But what if you got really good at cleaning up the mess when it shows up? It wouldn’t be long before that state of “effortlessness” returned, would it? Give a listen and you’re on your way to getting really good at cleaning.

Going from Constriction to Conviction - Episode #15

Let’s face it, sometimes we get stuck when it comes to pursuing what we want from our lives. We doubt ourselves, we get anxious and our progress gets thwarted. What if there was a way to overcome this the moment you recognize that it’s happening? That’s exactly what my dear friend and colleague, Andy Holloway and I discuss in this episode. You can move from a state of constriction to a state of conviction faster than you thought possible.

You've Got Diamonds on the Soles of Your Shoes - Episode #14

An average diamond has 58 facets. The facets, among its color are what gives the diamond its brilliance. You’re a diamond and just like a diamond, you have many facets. Try seeing your facets as the ideas you have about you. When you hold it up to look at it which facets do you see? Do you see the not so flattering ones; the flaws?, or do you see the well cut ones? Every diamond has flaws and if you look hard enough you’ll find one. It’s only when we look at the whole do we see its full beauty and brilliance.

"I Think I Want That" vs. "I Want That"

Most of us confuse the two. A “I think I want that” is NOT a “I want that.” A “think'“ is a maybe and maybe’s aren’t powerful. They don’t lead to inspired action. In this episode I discuss the difference between the two and how to discern what it is that you truly want. If it’s a “I want that” you go. If it’s a maybe you stay put.

Working Hard WITH Yourself Vs. Working Hard ON Yourself - Episode #12

Sometimes we’re our own worst critic. We get upset with ourselves about what we did, mistakes we made, or at what we didn’t do - that we said we would. This kind of thinking is entirely unproductive. Most of us know this, yet why do we still do it? I explore this question and uncover ways to overcome self-condemnation and get back to working hard WITH yourself, not ON yourself.

Who Are You AND What Do YOU Want?

What if contentment was the path to greatness? That being content is not a form of settling, but a way of creating more of what you want? Practicing it allows you to take a truthful, unfabricated look as to what you have, what matters, and what’s next. It’s the foundation you’ll need to go vertical. My guest, Justin Foster and I explore this and bring lots of other insightful stuff into the conversation. Enjoy every minute. I know I did!!

You Getting What YOU want in 2022 and Beyond - Episode #10

Setting goals and planning at the start of the year is what most of us do - year in and year out. But how effective and productive is this approach? Does it work for you? If it does, then great, you get to skip this one. But many of us stumble and I believe a lot of it stems from us asking the wrong question. Instead of asking, “what are my goals?” ask, “what would I enjoy spending time doing this year?.” It’s a subtle distinction, but a powerful one. Listen in to discover what occurs when you change the question.

Cool Change with Hypnotherapy and NLP - Episode #9

Change can happen often in the blink of an eye. In the episode I discuss with my guest, Julia Dickenson the power of hypnotherapy and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). Julia shares with us her experience, the distinction between the two modalities, and coaches me using an exercise from her NLP tool box. So fun!!

What am I so afraid of anyway? - Episode #8

All darkness is is the absence of light. Turn on the light and darkness disappears. You are the light. Shine it on your fears with curiosity minus judgement and watch what happens. You’ll be blown away!! In this episode we discuss Napoleon Hill’s, “six basic fears.” You’ll discover which ones stand in your way the most and how to conquer them once and for all!!

Success and Achievement but Without the Baggage - Episode #6

Most of us are at the mercy of a pendulum swing when it comes to achievement. One minute, we get the outcome we were hoping for and we’re “self-secure.” The next minute, when things don’t go according to plan we’re derailed and the pendulum swings over to “self-doubt.” It’s an exhausting way to go through life. In this episode I discuss the issue and offer you an approach that’ll give you more peace of mind and just might propel you to achieve more!!

When Coaching Works - Episode #5

Talking all things coaching with David Schwendiman. Whether you’re a coach or looking to be coached this episode is for you. I can assure you, you haven’t met anyone quite like this guy. He’s hilariously unconventional. He’ll agree his coaching approach is borderline ridiculous - it just happens to work. His style has propelled him to become one of the most sought after coaches on the planet.

What To Do With Your LOUSY Mood - Episode #4

Does your mood control your day? If you’re in a “good” mood you’re on fire. You’re productive, amicable, and have a positive, hopeful outlook. But what about a “bad” mood? What then? For most of us we let it negatively impact us. What if there was a way to have a great day regardless of your mood? Give a listen and you might just discover it.

What's Your Advice? - Episode #3

We love advice. But what if the advice we’re getting is completely wrong? We have a tendency, especially in areas beyond our competency, to believe too quickly in what we hear. What if we’re better off by first assuming the advice we’re receiving is wrong? That we have this become our new default habit? There’s real power in this. Give a listen and discover it for yourself.

Why We Love a Good Story - Episode #2

We’re all great story tellers. We love to hear them. We love to create them. But I’m not talking about the feel good stories. I’m talking about the stories we make up that cause us pain. Stories around every day events that we weave and attach to that just aren’t true. In this episode we discuss a better, more productive approach to getting at the heart of what’s really going on. It just might set you free!!

Slowing Down Gets You More - Episode #1

You’re hungry, you’re driven, and you want results. But maybe you’re going about it all wrong. What if the less you strive, the less you clench, the more you succeed? Join me in this first episode of the RestLess Achiever podcast, where I’ll challenge you to see things differently and begin to experience life in a more powerful, fulfilling way.